2017 Stendig Calendar
A true design classic, Massimo Vignelli first designed the Stendig Calendar in 1966, and its bold timeless design still works perfectly in any modern home or office.
Calendar consists of 12 sheets of alternating black and white pages in Helvetical type printed on 60lb paper. It has three matt black metal eyelets on the binding strip for easy hanging,and the perforated sheets are easily torn off.

An Italian, Massimo was born in Milan in 1931. It was there that he first studied art and architecture, until he came to America in 1957. In 1960, together with his wife Lella Vignelli, he established the Vignelli Office of Design and Architecture in Milan. in 1971 they formed Vignelli Associates, and in 1978, Vignelli Designs. His work covers nearly every field of design including advertising, identity, packaging, product, industrial, interior and architectural design. An avid fan of modernism, his work is always very clear and concise with no clutter or unnecessary material.
Massimo Vignelli(マッシモ・ヴィネッリ)は、1931年ミラノ生まれのデザイナーです。パッケージ・デザイン、家具、公共サインやショールームのインテリアデザインなどを幅広く手がけます。彼のデザインはモダニストの伝統に忠実で、一貫して単純な幾何学形態によってシンプルさを表現しています。タイポグラフィについて卓越した知見をもっており、これがデザインのレベルを著しく押し上げていると言われます。1966年のステンディグ社のカレンダー(Stendig Calendar)はその形態と機能の完璧な融合によってデザイン界の至宝と謳われています。